Saturday, 18 May 2013

the nuptial flight

its called the nuptial flight, and i'd bet not many of us know these insects are the very same underground wood eating, castle building swarms nature has blessed us with. we most of the time hate the nuisance they bring after a heavy down pour. The broken wings which later becomes thrush and difficult to sweep away. They sneak in through the trap doors just to find a source of light in a fizzling display around sodium and fluorescent lamps at night when there is a rain. the tandem running and chasing usually lasts until a female attracts a female by emitting a pheromone to attract the passing males. after a couple have found each other, t hey do the tandem chase until t hey find a safe spot to start a new termite colony. these two pair will later become the Queen and king in the colony. 


Tuesday, 9 April 2013

all in 90 Minutes

By far the most important event. An advent in history to have ever been recorded and documented since human existence. An experience that will be taped on the lips and tongues of the many generations that is to come. Prophesies which claimed its occurrence will be fulfilled and at the perfect time. A weekend that will later split time into BC and AD, calibrate the future into calendars and seasons of worship and celebrations. A conscious belief to these events biblically redefines your entire existence.
The hour where darkness reign, that in a split time sessions of 90 minutes the Son of man will be wrongfully charged, tortured, tried and finally slain for my righteousness sake.
The 33 years old man will be condemned on counts of blasphemy, without cause or just for crimes He never committed but convicted to death by crucifixion.
Crucifixion, that which will be the most evil act of man has proven of God’s love for mankind.
The brutality, the agony and shame He suffered, but for the passion in His eyes will be lead like a lamb to be slaughted. 
Cruelty will be at its peak, excruciating pain at its peak, the pain He bore, through tendons and pulse, bruises and sours created within deep and flawed, insults upon Him heaped, the crown of thorns that pierced deep and all, the veil He tore proclaiming the son of God and for this He was born…to die.
Death, the bridge, death the separation, death the rift, the thin line between atonement and eternity.  For my sins the robes that clothed His soul, He bled streams of mercy from his side flows. See the entire weight of a fully grown man pecked by three large sharp nails of old. So low the King stood and yet, the grave could not withhold sincere but bold, injustice so cold.  He held both souls and I’m told the third day He arose paying in full, He stood through it all firm and steadfast; He paved way for my redemption, my freedom.
How amazing that a bunch of misfits and fishermen will fall into the company of the leadership of a mere carpenter to change the cause of humanity.

So everything is back to normal
All the programmes have been performed
The holidays have come and gone
The big dinners have been served and eaten
Layers can have the rest of their eggs back to hatch
There’s a call from the office
The kids have school
There’s not much food in stock, and the fridge is empty
The economy is back on trying times
With Unemployment and strike actions soaring so high
Stocks keep going up and down
Bills and depth to pay
Targets and deadlines are to be reached
The news on TV still blares the future
And you know, life still goes on but it’s as if Easter never happened.
But it did, take a good look around, the church is ever increasing with lost souls and broken hearts because hope has come and forgiveness has been made manifest to a world looking for peace and love.
For God gave us His Son, for a son who gave us His life to add us to His family so that one day, He will welcome us home to a place He has prepared for us.
Just remember, that Easter really did happen and it changed everything.


Monday, 14 January 2013


Picture perfect, picture senseless,
Man deserves but God intends this,
that through out history God has revealed in ages,
He’s never concealed His power and greatness towards …
For since creation of the world, God’s invisible qualities,
His eternal power and divine nature have been clearly seen,
being understood from what has been made, so they are without excuse,
but sin, that which became the rift in a picture perfect, picture senseless.
A culture that has abandoned the real value of the
‘CHRIST’, the gift in a ‘MASS’ celebration, replacing with a selfish and well intended greed whiles worshiping the god of commerce.
He stepped down from heaven to become a part of mans history.
Valued in flesh, came as a baby in a manger, indicative of its significance
in Luke and Matthew’s narrative.
God the Messiah coming down into the mess and muddle of real life,
picture perfect and a picture senseless,
Divinity meeting humanity, 100% God and 100% being fully human.
He risked being unpopular, that made Him man but He cast out demons making Him God.
Being Human, Jesus wept but He raised Lazarus from the dead, fully God
On the high sea's,He slept, and that was human of him, but again Jesus woke up to calm the storm, making him fully God. 
Ultimately became the embodiment of the Gift of God to an undeserving generation like ours. The gift of a child spoken, a gift much greater than anything that
will be wrapped around ribbons or kept in a hamper and stuffed into boxes.
God’s unmerited and unearned grace wrapped in the gift of the Christ in mas celebration.

A gift to you, will you cast it aside assuming it to be of little value as though it were only an empty, wrapped box or you will treasure its true value bringing meaning into this season?
Will you accept this gift of love allowing it to saturate the reason for your existence in that you have been forgiven. The savior of the world is at your door day.
Or will you dismiss him as a normal baby who will be staged in a nativity play by some nursery school kids.
it has never made sense and will never be fathomed by mere understanding. yet in all of these we know that God once walked the shores of this earth and will be back again. 
a picture perfect, you paint your with Christ.

Picture perfect, picture senseless